Friday, February 11, 2011


       Our face is one of the most important parts of our body.  Do you know why?  It is where we see the eyes and the lips!  The eyes speaks a lot of emotions from  outside and inside within us.  Our eyes invites...  Our eyes can communicate anger... It can even relay an erotic sensation.  And the lips?  What about it?  Ahhh... it plays a common denominator to what our eyes want to relay.

          Our face is like a book cover... or a magazine cover inviting people to see what we want others see us through.  That's why... many would spend much of their time in taking care of their faces to look more beautiful and attractive.  Sometimes a face speaks of truth... other faces if not all, are deceiving.  As hackneyed statement goes..."Never judge a book by its cover".

           Ahhhhh.... faces! faces! faces! Let's take a look at this video of Disney's classical story about the wicked witch in the story about Snow White... way back in our childhood days when our gramma tells the story: "Mirror! Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who's the fairest of them all!"

          Sometimes we tend to start comparing ours face with others... but doing this would make us look more pathetic, while still others would tell themselves as very unique than others.  Ahhhh... faces! Faces! Faces! This reminds me of the song...

         I like looking at beautiful faces.  It soothes my nerves.  It makes me feel young and vigorous at my age (I'm 58 years young!).

          How I wish I could make a harem of men with beautiful faces.  What a feeling!  There are also faces that are funny.  Faces that are daring without public shame, such as this...  Faces of Pagadian City Gays (selected pics of gays only)

Uppps... Sorry... the face is hidden!! ah he he he he!

Eowww! What face is this?!!

A preggy face?
Soooo bold and daring gays!!!

Whoever edited this photo...He he he he... lagot kayo ni Manny!!

Whoever edited this photo of Manny Paquiao... gets a knock down!

The face that could launch a big ball!!
 Wa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

       Do you believe that a picture can paint a thousand words!?? O yeah?!! I do believe.  Let's take a look at more funny gay pictures...
Whoever would not want to have a souvenir photo such as this? If only I were there, I would also pose for a pic!

An edited photo of  Superman and Spiderman... as gays? If only this would become a movie, I believe many gays would go and see it, and what do you think would be the title?  Can you suggest?  Mmmm... maybe... ahhhh... let me be more classic or romantic:  YOU AND ME AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD (?)

Ha ha ha ha ha.... no comment!

Van Diesel edited as gay... nice editing!!

Mr. Bean Gay..... ha ha ha ha ha!

Didn't Prince Charles filed a case against for posting such a funny gay picture?
A smack on on his cheek... and who do you think did it? He he he he...

Bye for now!
See you in my next blog!

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