Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm baaaack!! How's your day? Feelin' fine? 
Anyways, what's really important is now.
Now what?
          A lot of people think of human body as beautiful... and sexy.  The sexiness of a man makes
him pretty... and much more beautiful to look at.  However, we must accept the fact that beauty and sexy are relative. What may be is beautiful to me is not beautiful to you, and what is sexy to you is not sexy to me.
         Many dictionaries define sexy as sexually attractive; arousing or stimulating sexual desires.
I agree with this wholeheartedly, and the many things that men do or don't do can involve a lengthy of list that make them attractive to gays or not.

1. A Man That Cries
         A lot of people think that a man who cries is weak, while others feel that this shows that he is in fact  human and owns a sensitive side.

2. Manly-Male
            Masculinity have always equaled sex appeal.
           Below are Photo Arts that show men oozing with sex appeal by Joachim Baldauf, one of the best PhotArtist in the Modern World.

The following pictures are copied from gay websites that shows men who are Manly-Male and thus, oozing with sex-appeal.

3. A Man With A Warm Smile
A natural charming smile is one of the greatest attractions of a man. It exudes an aura of congeniality and establishes that a guy is more than likely charismatic.

4. A Man That Looks You in the Eyes
       A man who knows how to give good eye contact while conversing is a man who knows how to communicate.  Below are pictures of men whose eyes communicate something to you... something that will make you feel soooOOOOOO HOT!!

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