Saturday, February 5, 2011


         I have to admit that I'm really ignorant about blogging. I don't even know the meaning of the word "blog" !!! Wa ha ha ha ha ha!  Shame on me... and because now that I'm here, I have to see to it that I will appear as if I know what blogging really means. Silly me!

hey, you there!!!
please tell me... is this blog for free?
Am I going to pay for this?
I'm just afraid this would cost me much.
 I have to tell you honestly:
I'm poor as a rat!

           Let me tell you something about myself--- I'm a great lover of Classical Music... sad to say I'm a frustrated artist in the field of music... the reason?  I'll tell you when the time comes.  He he he he!
       It's my pleasure to welcome you all with a great music composed by Frederic Chopin known as the "Revolutionary Etude".  I would suggest that you close your eyes... and feel the energy and the spirit that this music brings. your eyes... and smile to this lady and say, 
                      "Hi!  Are you in facebook?"  

"Hi! Are you in facebook, too?

It's Saturday, February 5, 2011

      ahhhh.... FEBRUARY... the month of the year that most lovers celebrate as ....what Barbra Streisand sings, "Lovers...are very special people...They're the luckiest people in the world!"

Well? How was it... I mean did the song get into the bottomless pit of your heart?

Whoah! Chuyawan ka noh? Do you know what the Bible  says about the "bottomless pit"?  Greek mythology talks about "HADES" the God of the underworld... the Holy Bible calls it "HELL".  So that when I say, "bottomless pit of your heart" I really mean something. Get me mga Indays ug mga Dodongs? He he he he... churi ha!  Bitaw oizt... there's really something firy going on in that bottomless pit of our heart.  We tend to do away with people whom we believe are unlovely that we shooo them away from our hearts... and ignore them.  From that bottomless pit of your heart, they shout in pain... crying... crying for your love.

Flight Steward: "Care for a candy, Sir?"
Passenger: "I DON'T CARE!"

Ngek!  Incorrect!  That should have been---"No, thanks!" if he really meant he doesn't like candy.  Wa ha ha ha ha!  Pasosyal-sosyal ka pa, di na man bagay sa 'yo ang language.  O .. ano? Basahin mo na lang kaya sa wikang Pilipino ang alpabet na to...

         B   K   W    L    K    M    G    W   P    R    M   S    Y...
         T    W    K    H   H   H    T    W    P   H    H    H...

         T    M    N    P    R    K    Ng    T    Nga !
Sing: Nye! Nye! Nye! Nye! Nye Nye!

And now.... the time has come!
Let me tell you something about my real self----

A male gay.
Not, girlush gay.
Not even the screaming fagot,
nor a QUEEN.

I am proud to wave my symbols of homosexuality to all of you as you come in to give you my best and warmest welcome to people who really cares for a candy....

There are rainbow connections.... I mean colors present in each symbols.  Each color have meanings:

The purple stripe is sometimes replaced with
a black stripe to show masculinity.
Pink stood for sexuality.
Red for life.
Orange for healing.
Yellow for the sun.
Green for nature.
Turquoise for art.
Indigo for harmony, and...
Violet for the soul.

I am a DRAGON in the Chinese Calendar, aren't you? 

This is my Chinese name.

In the Horoscope, I am ARIES---the RAM

What's In Store for DRAGONS under the Year of the Rabbit?
A more balanced and secure year than 2010 for all Dragons
The steadier tempo of 2011 will help them to settle in and     possibly even go for promotions
July, September and November will give Dragons a chance to reassess what they’re doing and what direction they now want to go
Foundations they now lay will greatly enhance their prospects in 2012 – their own year
Romance is beautifully starred with opportunities to meet new people particularly during April, June, September and December
Monetary situation will improve for most and their eye for a bargain will be particularly keen
Travel is also highlighted during the Rabbit year and time spent with friends and loved ones will be especially valued
Breaks during April and May or September will prove to be memorable
Hobbies and talents should be pursued and enjoyed as they will provide great pleasure and relaxation during 2011 and could lead to other interesting opportunities
         I do not really believe about horoscopes and Chinese calendars, but I do enjoy reading them because our feelings and expectations are being tickled... just like being touched by someone you love in your most erogenous zones.  lol.
         Our life is not being predestined by these horoscopes and Chinese calendars... not even God himself has predestined all of us to His will... we were created by God and has set us all free! This FREEDOM that God has given us, must be exercised with great responsibility... and we become responsible to whatever mistakes we have done... and suffer all the consequences of our misdeeds.

...and this is me
in my own fantasy---
being a woman
(Excuse me! I don't go out publicly in a woman's dress!)

How about dancing with me?
Bye for now...
See you in my next blog entitled:

Ohhh... how I love looking at pretty faces!


  1. yey im so proud of you- nag level up na jud ka hehehehe haylavet- muahh

  2. .....i luv'it so much..... sana nxt tym mdyo daring nah...hehehehe . thnx!
